Top 5+ Interview Questions for Laravel Developer

 In this article we are going to give the Information about Top Laravel Interview Questions and Answers. These Laravel Interview Questions for 5 years Experience are in updated version. Which help you to crack first round of technical Interview Questions for Laravel Developer.


1. What is Laravel?

Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following the model–view–controller (MVC) architectural pattern. Some of its features include a modular packaging system with a dedicated dependency manager, different ways for accessing relational databases, utilities that aid in application deployment and maintenance, and its orientation toward syntactic sugar.

2. What are some of the key features of Laravel?

Some of Laravel's key features include:

- A modular packaging system with a dedicated dependency manager

- Different ways for accessing relational databases

- Utilities that aid in application deployment and maintenance

- Orientation toward syntactic sugar

3. What is the Eloquent ORM?

The Eloquent ORM is an object-relational mapper (ORM) that is included with Laravel. It provides a fluent interface for working with databases. With the Eloquent ORM, you can work with your data as objects rather than as SQL tables. This makes it easy to manipulate and query your data.

4. What is a route?

In Laravel, a route is a URL pattern that is mapped to a handler function. Routes are used to define the URLs of your application and their corresponding actions. Routes can be defined in your routes file, which is located at app/Http/routes.php.

5. What is a middleware?

In Laravel, a middleware is a piece of code that is run before or after an HTTP request is processed by your application. Middleware can be used to authenticate users, filter input, throttle requests, etc.

6. What are the benefits of using Laravel?


Some benefits of using Laravel include:

- It has a large community of developers who contribute helpful packages and resources

- It has great documentation that makes it easy to learn and use

- Its MVC architecture promotes separation of concerns, which makes for cleaner and more maintainable code

- Its ORM provides an easy way to work with data as objects rather than SQL tables

7. What is Lumen?

Lumen is a micro-framework based on Laravel's components and aims to be faster and lighter than the full Laravel framework. Lumen is also less opinionated than laravel interview questions for experienced, meaning that it gives you more freedom to structure your application as you see fit.


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